
Survival Analysis



  • Surivial without Censoring
  • Surivial with Censoring

Kaplan Meier Curve

More individual in each group, better sepration of the group, better p-value

  • Takes censoring into account
  • Estimates probabilitu of “survival” on a given day
  • Conditional probability of surviving on a given day:

$$ \frac {N_{ \text{“alive” day before}} - N_{ \text{“dying” nextday}}} { \text{“alive” day before}} $$

Kaplan-Meier survival curve

  • Survival times $t_1 \leq t_2 \leq \cdots \leq t_n$
  • The proportion of subjects, $S(t)$, surviving beyoind any follow up time $t$ is estimated by (conditional probability):

$$ S(t) = \frac {r_1 - d_1}{r_1} \times \frac {r_2 - d_2}{r_2} \times \cdots \times \frac{r_p - d_p}{r_p} $$


  • $t_p$ is the largest survival time less han or equal to $t$
  • $r_i$ is the number of subjects alive just before time $t_i$
  • $d_i$ = numebr who died at time $t_i$
  • for censored obeservations $d_i = 0$


Log Rank Test

  • Compares survival times of two independent groups.
  • Assumes that the relative risk of event (e.g. death) between the two groups is constant (proportional hazards)
  • Ranks the survial times combined and compared observed and expected rates

Null hypothesis: the rates of events (death) in the two groups are equal

under $H_0$,

$$ X^2 = \frac { (O_A - E_A)^2}{E_A} + \frac { (O_B - E_B)^2}{E_B} \sim \chi^2 $$

  • $O_A$: observed events in group A
  • $E_A$: expected events in gorup A under null hypohesis

expect = (proportion in risk set) * (# of failures over both groups)

$$ e_{1j} = ( \frac{ n_{1j}}{ n_{1j} + n_{2j}}) \times ( m_{1j} + m_{2j}) $$

$$ e_{2j} = ( \frac{ n_{2j}}{ n_{1j} + n_{2j}}) \times ( m_{1j} + m_{2j}) $$

Cox Regression

  • Extends comparison of survial times to allow different predictors (estimate k variable together)
  • Models the hazard: probability of dying at a point in time, given survival to that point in time

$$ H(t) = H_0(t) \times \exp(b_1X_1 + b_2X_2 + \cdots + b_kX_k ) $$

  • Model links to a baseline hazard, $H_0(t)$
  • Can accomodate many variables, both discrete and continuous measures of event times
  • Proportional hazards assumption: the hazard for any individual is a fixed proportion of the hazard for any other individual

Hazard ratio

  • Exp(B) give the hazard ratio (or relative hazard/risk)