
NLP: Parse trees

Structure of Sentences: Parse trees

Shallow parsing identifies phrasal units, the task of identifying the relationship between them is called parsing.


  1. Parse trees indicate how different grammatical units in a sentence are related hierachically. (aslo refer to constituent parse, chart-based )

  2. dependency parsing: directed graph (graph-based)

    • node -> word
    • edge -> relation
    • all the words have one incoming edge, except ROOT
    • there is a unique path from each word to ROOT


Contex-free grammars

common application:

  • grammer checking
  • semantic analysis
  • question anwsering
  • information extraction

Constituency parsing (Syntatic parsing)

The task of recognizing a sentence and assigning a syntactic structure to it.

CKY Parsing

The most widely used dynamic-porgramming based approach to parsing. See also Earley algorithm and chart parsing

Dependency parsing

Dependency grammars grammatical relation provides the basis for the binary relations that comprise dependency structures.

Dependency grammars allow to classify the kinds of grammatical relations, or mammatical function

Dependency Formalisms

dependency structures are simply directed graphs: $G = (V,A)$, which refer to as arcs

Dependency tree is a directed graph that statisfies the following constrains:

  1. there is a single designated root node that has no incoming arcs
  2. with teh exception of the root node, each vertex has exactly one incoming arc.
  3. there is a unique path from the root node to each vertex in $V$

Transition-Based Dependency parsing

Shift-reduce parsing


Graph-Based Dependency parsing


  • capable of producing non-projective trees
  • parsing accuarcy, particularly with respect to longer dependencies.

Maximun spanning tree (MST)

  1. construct a fully-connected, weighted, directed, rooted graph where the vertices are input words and the directed edges represent all possible head-dependent assignments. The weights reflect the score for each possible head-dependent relation.
    • every vertex in a spanning tree has exactly one incoming edge
    • absolute values of the edge scores are not critical to determining its maximum spanning tree. But relative weights of the edges entering each vertex that matters


Hung-yi Lee: Deep Learning for human language processing