
Graph: Concepts



  1. Graph: $G(V, E)$
  2. Adjacency Matrix: $A$
  3. Degree: $D$, the number of nodes that are adjacent to $v$.
  4. Neighbors: $N$, the number of $N_{v(i)}$ is equal to $D_{v(i)}$.


  1. Walk
    1. A walk on a graph is an alternating sequence of nodes and edges, starting with a node and ending with a node where each edge is incident with the nodes immediately preceding and following it.
    2. A walk starting at node $u$ and ending at node $v$ is called a $u$-$v$ walk.
    3. The length of a walk: the number of edges in this walk.
    4. Trail: A trail is a walk whose edges are distinct
    5. Path: A path is a walk whose nodes are distinct
  2. Subgraph
  3. Connected Component: Given a graph $G(V,E)$, a subgraph $G \prime (V \prime, E \prime)$ is said to be a connected component if there is at least one path between any pair of nodes in the graph and the nodes in $V \prime$ are not adjacent to any vertices in $V/V\prime$.
  4. Connected Graph
  5. Shortest Path: The shortest path between node $v_s$ and node $v_t$ is defined as:

$$ p^{sp}_{st} = \arg \min _{ p \in paths} \vert p \vert $$

  1. Diameter: the diameter of a graph is defined as the length of the longest shortest path in the graph.


In a graph, the centrality of a node measures the importance of the node in the graph.

  1. Degree Centrality: measure the centrality of a given node based on its degree
  2. The eigenvector centrality: (Bonacich, 1972, 2007) defines the centrality score of a given node $v_i$ by considering the centrality scores of its neighboring nodes as:

$$ \boldsymbol c_{e} (v_i) = \frac{1} {\lambda} \sum^{N}_{j=1} A_{i,j} \cdot \boldsymbol{c}_{e} {v_j} $$

or reform:

$$ \lambda \boldsymbol{c}_e = \boldsymbol{A} \cdot \boldsymbol{c}_e $$

Clearly, $\boldsymbol{c}_e$ is an eigenvector of the matrix $\boldsymbol{A}$ with its corresponding eigenvalue $\lambda$.

  1. Katz centrality: It’s a variant of the eigenvector centrality, which not only considers the centrality scores of the neighbors but also includes a small constant for the central node itself.

$$ c_{k} (v_i) = \alpha \sum^{N}_{j=1} A_{i,j} c_k (v_j) + \beta $$

where $\beta$ is a constant. the Katz centrality is reformed as:

$$ \bold{c}_k = \alpha \bold{A} \bold{c}_k + \boldsymbol{\beta} $$

$$ (\bold I - \alpha \cdot A )\bold{c}_k = \boldsymbol{\beta} $$

  1. Betweenness Centrality: Another way to measure the importance of a node is to check whether it is at an important position in the graph. Specifically, if there are many paths passing through a node, it is at an important position in the graph.

Spectral Graph Theory

  1. Laplacian Matrix: $L = D -A$
  2. Normalized Laplacian Matrix:

$$ \begin{aligned} L &=D^{-\frac{1}{2}} (D - A) D^{-\frac{1}{2}} \cr &=I-D^{-\frac{1}{2}} A D^{-\frac{1}{2}} \end{aligned} $$